Field Trips25 June 2024|Field tripsCapgeminiPhoto: SIAM & GAMM Chapter Hamburg In the morning of June 25th, we went on a field trip to Capgemini in Hamburg. First, we were introduced to the general objectives of...1 September 2021|Field TripsGerman Climate Computing CentrePhoto: Studentchapter HamburgOn September 1.we had a field trip to German Climate Computing Centre (DKRZ). 13 January 2020|Field tripsField trip to HOCHBAHNPhoto: J.-H. Janßen (CC BY-SA 4.0)The HOCHBAHN operates Hamburg's bus and subway network and is, with about 5300 employees, one of the cities' biggest companies with a wide range of...10 July 2019|Field tripsAIRBUS FinkenwerderPhoto: Studentchapter HamburgOn July 10, we visited the AIRBUS facilities in Finkenwerder for a guided tour. 22 November 2018|Field TripsPhilips Research LaboratoriesPhoto: Studentchapter HamburgOn November 22, we had the opportunity to visit Philips Research Laboratories in Hamburg. The field trip started with a guided tour through the...18 June 2018|Field tripsfreiheit.comPhoto: freiheit.comAfter our last visit two years ago, our chapter happily accepted the invitation to return to the software company We prepared our visit...6 April 2018|Field tripsHamburger SternwartePhoto: www.hs.uni-hamburg.deOn April 06, our chapter visited Hamburg's observatory in Bergedorf, the Hamburger Sternwarte. Guided by Professor Hauschildt and PhD student...Show all news