News30 October 2024|NewsGeneral Assembly & ElectionsPhoto: SIAM & GAMM Chapter HamburgThe General Assembly of the SIAM & GAMM Student Chapter Hamburg took place on Wednesday, October 30th at 5pm, and was hosted by the University of...12 July 2024|NewsGAMM Student Chapter Science Slam 2024Photo: Dustin Jantos The second year in a row, the GAMM student Chapter Science Slam took place on July 12th 2024. A total of 42 young researchers from the GAMM student...25 June 2024|Field tripsCapgeminiPhoto: SIAM & GAMM Chapter Hamburg In the morning of June 25th, we went on a field trip to Capgemini in Hamburg. First, we were introduced to the general objectives of...30 January 2024|NewsNew Year's ReceptionAs some of you might have noticed, there was no chapter Christmas gathering last December. That's because we decided to changed things up a bit,...8 August 2023|News"Summer Outing"Photo: SIAM & GAMM Chapter Hamburg On the afternoon of August 8th, we gathered for a joint summer outing. Well, at least that was the plan, but the beloved Hamburg summer...24 July 2023|NewsGerman SIAM Student Chapters Meet Algorithmic OptimizationPhoto: Henrik Wyschka From July 24th to 26th the German SIAM chapters meet under the aegis of the workshop German SIAM Student Chapters Meet Algorithmic...30 June 2023|NewsGAMM Student Chapter Science SlamPhoto: SIAM & GAMM Chapter Hamburg The first GAMM Student Chapter Science Slam took place in Hannover on 30th June 2023. The aim of the event was to promote the exchange and...19 June 2023|NewsIndustry Event: Oxford DPPhoto: SIAM & GAMM Chapter Hamburg On June 19th Josef Schmalfuss gave a presentation on "Alternative Data in Fundamental Investing" and his company Oxford DP at the TUHH. ...6 June 2023|NewsLife in PhD - Transition to IndustryPhoto: SIAM & GAMM Chapter Hamburg On the 6th June 2023 Dr. Christiane Schmidt reported about her transition from PhD to industry within the event format “Life in PhD” After...22 May 2023|NewsLife in PhD - End Of PhDPhoto: SIAM & GAMM Chapter Hamburg On May 22nd, we had an interesting presentation by Michel Bänsch on the process of finishing the PhD around drinks and cookies in Geomatikum. After...Show all news