Senior and Associate Members
Associate Members of the SIAM chapter
SIAM Associate | Affiliation |
Prof. Dr. Jörn Behrens | Dept. of Mathematics, University of Hamburg, SIAM Chapter Faculty Advisor |
Prof. Dr. Ingenuin Gasser | Dept. of Mathematics, University of Hamburg, MathMods Coordinator |
Senior Members of the GAMM Nachwuchsgruppe
GAMM Senior | Affiliation |
Prof. Dr. Winnifried Wollner | Dept. of Mathematics, University of Hamburg, GAMM Representative at UHH |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Düster | Inst. for Ship Structural Design and Analysis, Hamburg University of Technology, GAMM Representative at TUHH |
To become a Senior Member of our GAMM Nachwuchsgruppe, GAMM membership is mandatory. If you are interested, please contact us.