GAMM Student Chapter Science Slam 2024
⇊ Abstracts are now available below ⇊
The GAMM student chapters from Hannover, Bochum, Braunschweig and Hamburg are organizing the second edition of a pretty special joint event: A Science Slam in Hannover on July 12th!
The idea of the event is to gather young researchers (PhD/ MSc) working in the areas of maths and mechanics for an informal exchange of research ideas and experiences. So this is not an ordinary workshop!
As an icebreaker, we will start with a talk from someone who transitioned from research in academia to research in industry. Then we spend the afternoon with slam-like talks by you, the participants, giving short introductions to your research in an open environment. During several breaks and a joint dinner, there will be time to meet fellow researchers from other universities and discuss your ideas.
Giving a Presentation
We like to encourage everybody to give their own presentation. The talks are intended to be slam-style and a bit more on the entertaining side in order to create an open environment. Especially if you haven't presented something at a big conference yet, e.g., because you are at the beginning of your PhD or writing your master thesis, this is the perfect event for you. In a 10 minute talk, you can illustrate the questions you are working on: Why is it interesting? What is your idea how it could be solved? What kind of applications does it have? And all that without the potential pressure of a big conference and for work in progress with open questions.
For those of you who are not sure what a science slam includes and what it looks like, a designated How to Science Slam event will take place on May 22nd between 5pm and 6 pm. This online event will introduce you to science slams and can help you with your presentation. The corresponding link will be communicated by your local chapter shortly before. It is not mandatory, but everyone thinking about participating is welcome; the main focus is meeting new people and having fun!
TL;DR Quick Facts
- When? Friday, July 12th
- Where? Hannover (Welfengarten 1). Check your local chapter news for information on joint travel.
- How much? If you are a member of a participating GAMM student chapter, the costs for you, including joint travel, coffee breaks and the dinner, are covered.
- What is the program? Joint lunch, an introductory talk from industry, science slams, breaks for discussions and a joint dinner to close.
- Pre-Event? We offer an online event as introduction to science slams on May 22nd, 5pm.
- Do I have to be funny? Since it is a Science Slam, we appreciate a joke or two, but if this is not your style, don't worry. As long as your talk is accessible to people with a background in maths or mechanics, that's fine.
- Anything else to know? Please note that the registration is binding and in case of cancellation you will be responsible for the cost caused by it.
The registration deadline was June 16th 2024.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to many registrations and an exciting and fun day in Hannover!
The abstracts might not be displayed properly in the pdf-viewer due to browser settings. In this case, you can download it here. The original invitation is also available for downlad.